January Thoughts


Recently I started listening to a podcast called "Millennial." It's a documentary series, told in real time, about Megan Tan, a millennial making her way through her early twenties, during the awkward transition time between college graduation and the start of her professional career. After listening to her story these last couple of days, I am completely hooked. 

I love hearing about Megan's journey in the job hunting process, as she struggles to figure out self-worth, puts her passion projects out there, asks for advice, and wonders about her future...because that's me. That's the exact struggle I'm going through right now. It's nice discovering that other people in the world can relate to the hardships I'm going through. Megan is so genuine about revealing her internal conflicts and vulnerable thoughts as she tackles real life problems and opens her heart. The way she talks is so honest and raw, and her failures and vulnerability make her so relatable. I never thought I'd get this emotional listening to a podcast.

I spend a lot of time reading (and listening) to biographies about successful entrepreneurs. (Because I'm one of those crazy people who refuses to follow rules, and would much rather make them and shape society.) Except those books are written from the point-of-view of someone who's already made it in the world. The rest of us are just here, looking up at them in awe and admiration, so distant from them in every way. But "Millennial" is a different story. Megan captures so perfectly this time in our lives as young (and very lost) adults, a time filled with so much uncertainty about where we're headed and what we'll be doing in this world. We spend everyday praying and hoping that maybe one day we'll figure it out - our purpose in life, what we're meant to do, where we should be, how big we can dream, how "legit" we are in the career we're trying to pursue. How do we fake our way in? How long can we put off fearlessly going after what we want?

I spend a lot of late nights wondering what it means to grow up, and sell my time to live a comfortable life. What does it mean to be a professional? Can I turn my passions into a career? Will that career satisfy me and fulfill my soul? What about existing jobs that can pay my bills? Do I want a paycheck or creative freedom? Can I be overqualified for certain jobs? Should I take those opportunities? Will I learn as much as I want from them? How efficient are they in getting me to where I want to be? How do I make these decisions? There's so much pressure, so much discomfort, so much fear.

Megan's story gives me hope. It leaves me wondering how my story will play out. Her moments of success, no matter how trivial or monumental, make me smile stupidly as I walk through school listening to the podcast. (Hearing her announce her first sponsor ad actually brought me to the verge of tears.) Anyway, Megan, I'm glad you chose the best of both worlds. Because at this point in life, if you're someone trying to become someone in the future, you gotta balance both. Chasing after your dreams isn't a beautiful magical fairytale. It's messy, embarrassing, complicated, and definitely not sexy. But it's sure promising. And sometimes, that dream of a better future is all you need.

Thank you for being so real, Megan, and keep creating the things you love to consume. You inspire us all.

Sincerely, a faithful listener.