European Dreams


I got my visa back from the Italian Consulate last week...

Hello, Europe!

I'm headed to Italy at the end of August for a 4-month-long study abroad program with the AIA Rome Center Architecture Program. I've been dreaming about studying abroad for years and the time has finally come...eeeep! Feeling so blessed for the opportunity, and I can't wait to start la dolce vita.  It's going to be a short but eventful four months. Some hopes and plans:

1. Learn. Learn by doing, learn by going, learn by eating, learn by speaking, learn by cooking. I'm nearing the end of my full-time occupation as a student. Time to cherish every chance to learn as much as I can.

2. Blog, a lot. Take Studio Sophy readers on a European adventure without losing sight of the world through my own eyes. Challenge myself to move beyond the touristy places and cliche photos. Embrace the sights and places that speak to me the most, and capture that creatively.

3. Get away from technology and go outside. Watercolor and sketch on the streets. Vlog. Practice Italian. Meet locals. Ride a Vespa?

4. Stay on budget! Save up for train tickets and gelati!

5. Travel alone at some point. It scares me just thinking about doing it, but I need to and I will.


If you look up to the top of this site, you'll see a new page on Studio Sophy dedicated to my travels. I want to dedicate a special page to my wanderlustful adventures. I'm still deciding on the content I want on the page - maybe a wall of travel photos or quick access links to blog posts? What would you like to see?

These next two weeks will be lots of reading up on the travel experiences of my favorite bloggers. Hello Gary Pepper Girl, Tuula Vintage, World of Wanderlust...I can't seem get my mind off The Lizzie McGuire Movie either. I swear I'm going to spend this trip trying to reenact that movie. Now where's that Trevi Fountain?